Sunday, July 22, 2007

Why I decided to start blogging

Blogging had been ruminating in my mind for a while. It was suggested by some who thought it would be a good way to broaden community, get the pastor into the 'tech' world, make up for never writing a "Pastor Wendy" newsletter article each month...I think I've got the equivalent of "stage fright" - would that be "blog fright"?...Never mind...I'm just going to post-

I like to read mysteries to relax.

I just finished reading "Earth Has No Sorrows" by Michelle Blake. This is the 3rd Lily Connor mystery I've read by Blake. I won't reveal anything about the mystery if I tell you that as Lily, an Episcopalian priest, searches for a missing mentor and friend, she tries desperately to hang on to her vocation, faith and sanity. Toward the end, Lily must merge one image of her friend with what she finds out about her friend's past, her mistakes - her humanness, really. Lily struggles to accept her friend - merging new information with the old. Blake reminds us of humanity's brokenness - how we, and others, are 3-dimensional. There is depth to each person which includes the things we admire someone for, and their flaws. Our job is to accept each person in totality - and sometimes that takes time, and payer. How true this is!